Coda museum Apeldoorn

'What remains'

25 september 2016 - 22 january 2017

andreas hetfeld - 'What remains'


Andreas Hetfeld is one of the international artists whose work is represented in this exhibition.
curator: Wim van der Beek

Artist have been depicting the friction between beauty, transience and decay for centuries. Various traditional genres like the vanitas still life, the ‘guilty’ landscape, and the portrait partly owe their attraction to the perception of beauty that is inextricably bound to the circle of life and death, growth and decomposition, bloom and decay.

Modern society struggles with many processes that are linked to the finite nature of life and the period of decay that precedes it. Reusing base materials and recycling waste, care for the elderly, reaching the limits of consumer society, people living in the margins of society, extending life, homeless and refugee crises, all of these themes are indissolubly linked to the way we in today’s society treat anything that is old and worn, that is no longer used or has become marginal.

The visual artists in What Remains confront society with these issues, while also showing that great beauty can be sometimes be found in decay and transience.


Contributing artists:

Jan Banning (NL), Frans Beerens (NL), Nicolas Dings (NL), Martine Feipel & Jean Bechameil (L), Andreas Hetfeld (D), Chris Jordan (VS), Ivo Kamphuis (NL), Sebastien van Malleghem (B), Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre (F), Hans Opdebeeck (B), Jehoshua Rozenman (D/NL), Ken’ichiro Taniguchi (Japan), Hugo Tieleman (NL), Jan Eric Visser (NL)

