
Der Grüne Raum  -   The Green Space

14 april 2014 at 17.17 - Lengerich/D


Official opening and inauguration of the land-art sculpture called  'the green space'  that Andreas Hetfeld realized last year by earth, grass, willow and natural stone. The sculpture, which has a diameter of about 20 meters, is fully covered with grass. The Interior suits 1.50 m deep in the Earth, can be entered through the front opening.

'The Green Space' that refers to open-air theatres is a contemplative place of calm and encounter and so situated, that the beauty of the open countryside is backstage.

The project is commissioned by: Offensieve Lengerich

andreas hetfeld - the green space


andreas hetfeld - the green space


andreas hetfeld - the green space


andreas hetfeld - the green space

